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Adjunct Professor, PhD

Maria Madalena Gonçalves Ribeiro

PhD in Computer Engineering at the University of Beira Interior Master's Degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering, with a specialization in Informatics, by Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (2001). Degree in Mathematics: Systems and Methods of Computer Graphics, at the University of Coimbra (2004) ERASMUS scholarship to carry out the final course project at the Fraunhofer Institut für Graphische Datenverarbeitung (IGD) in Darmstadt, Germany. Starting work in the Junta de Estradas de Portugal as a consultant, she began teaching at the Escola Superior de Tecnologia do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco (IPCB) in 1995 as an assistant. The collaboration with the Escola Superior de Artes Aplicadas (IPCB) started in 2000 when it opened, and I have been an adjunct professor there since 2005. She teaches subjects in the areas of web design, web development, interaction, programming languages for the arts and languages for the web, interface design, and, more recently, web 3D and augmented reality (AR). Current research interests include color, color blindness, the 3D web, augmented reality, digital storytelling using the web, and the 3D web. The special context of interest is heritage. Nowadays, she is affiliated with Techn&Art Research and a member of the board.